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Investment Opportunity

Seedrs Crowdfunding

We are excited to announce that we have been accepted by Seedrs to Crowdfund on their platform.


Currently we are working our way through the due diligence process but in order to get our campaign live we need to demonstrate the commitment we have from investors. 


Our funding target is £120,000 and for this we are giving away 10% equity


The minimum investment is as low as £10 and anything you can contribute towards our total will be appreciated. Investments are managed through Seedrs and we pay them a fee from the end total to process any documentation to register your shares. 


We have also been notified that we are eligible to apply for the UK Smart Grant from Innovate and plan to apply for £350,000 in April 2025. The crowdfunding we raise will be used as the match funding required which is on a 30/70 ratio.


Please complete the expression of interest form below stating how much you believe you can invest. There is no commitment at this stage it just helps us to understand how much extra fundraising we need to do.

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Learn more about investing using Seedrs here

Expression Of Interest

At this stage there is no commitment to invest but in order to get our campaign live we need to demonstrate overall how much funding we feel we can raise from our network of interested investors. Please fill out the form to register your interest and we will be in contact in January once the campaign is live with more information on how to proceed with your investment.

Thanks for your support, we will be in touch in January when the funding round is live!

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